At this time Bay to Ocean Writers Conference is sold out. If you'd like to be on the waiting list should a spot open, please email baytooceanwritersconferemce@gmail.com
The 27th annual Bay to Ocean Writers Conference takes place live and in-person at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Maryland on Saturday, March 9, 2024, featuring:

The 27th annual Bay to Ocean Writers Conference takes place live and in-person at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Maryland on Saturday, March 9, 2024, featuring:
Keynote Speaker
Grace Cavalieri was Maryland’s tenth Poet Laureate. Her new book is The long Game, Poems Selected & New (The Word Works.) She founded and still produces “the Poet and the Poem” for public radio, now from the Library of Congress, celebrating 47 years on-air.
Among other awards she holds two Allen Ginsberg Awards and the CPB Silver Medal. She’s an Academy of American Poets Fellow. She’s written 26 books of poems and plays produced on American stages. Women in history are her specialty and the last play produced was “Quilting The Sun” about ex-slave quiltmaker Harriet Powers. 2017 NYC.
The last 25 years of her podcasts have been sent to the moon on Lunar Codex.
Early Bird Rates
(through January 15th)
Members $125; Non-members: $160
ESWA members must be logged in to the website to receive the member discount.
Regular Rates
(January 16th – March 8th)
Members $135; Non-members: $170
ESWA members must be logged in to the website to receive the member discount.
Six Tracks with Thirty-One Sessions to Choose From!
Using Joseph Campbell's “Hero Cycle” to Create Character and to Develop Plot
Thom Brucie
Be a Plotter AND a Pantser – Plan Your Novel o It’s Easy to Write!
Michele Chynoweth
Calm and Chaos: Mastering the Art of Narrative Tension
Ariele Sieling
He Said, She Said: The Art of Writing Dialogue
Kathleen Barber
Navigating the Literary Landscape to Land on the Editor's Desk with a Yes!
Panel: Julie Wakeman-Linn, Amy Holman, Lisa Kaplan Friedman
Fruitful Frustration and Resistance: the Energy of Poetic Constraints
Kari Ann Ebert
Braiding Voices: A Collaborative Generative Workshop
G.H. Mosson & Marcus Colasurdo
How to Get Out of Your Way and Let the Poem Have Its Say
Nancy Mitchell
Getting Unstuck: Experimental Poetic Form & Technique
Matt Hohner
The Poetry of Migration
Indran Amirthanayagam
No Red Bows: How to End an Essay (or any work, really) Meaningfully, Honestly, and “Perhaps" Openly
Randon Billings Noble
Navigating Trauma in Memoir
Lynne Schmidt
From Memories to Memoir
Veronica Li & Sverrir Sigurdsson
Is Your Nonfiction Book Naked? Maybe It Needs an Index...
Judy Reveal
How to Write a Braided Essay
Laura J. Oliver
Spells or Newscasts?
Jane Edna Mohler
Bronco Poetics: How to Ride Line Breaks Deeper into the Narrative Process
Bhodi Tims
The Art of the Critique: It's Not Rocket Science; It's MUCH Tougher Than That
D.J. Stevenson
Familiar History: Using Family Stories and Hands-On Research to Bring the Past Alive
David Healy & Pat Valdata
The Tales, the Traumas, the Beauty, the Poetry and the Music of Ireland
Christopher T. George & Denny Lynch
Personal Brand Strategy for Writers
James Irwin
Stop Struggling With Social Media - Everything You Need to Know to Harness the Power of the Internet
Amy Schisler
Making Money As a Freelance Writer
John Riddle
Let's Chat About AI: How Is AI Impacting Writers and Publishers
Gregg Wilhelm
Are you Publicist Ready?
Cherrie Woods
Facing Your Writing Fears
John DeDakis
A Place to Stand: Staying Grounded in the Writing Life
Kris Faatz
The Disappearing Bookshelf: Why You Should Write Kidlit in the Era of Book Challenges
Panel: Laura Shovan, Heather Murphy Capps, Meg Kuyatt Eden
Archetypes, Metaphors, and Mental Musings – How Do Your Writing Ideas Manifest?
Dennis Lawson
Art at Night (but During the Day): Ekphrastic Writing
Jen Pitoniak
More Details
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